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Recluse Roasting Project

Decaf Colombia- Popayan

Decaf Colombia- Popayan

Regular price $17.00
Regular price Sale price $17.00
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Decaf coffee is a true testament to the craftsmanship of the coffee growers. Grown in the rich soil of the Popayán region, this coffee is carefully selected from several farms in the area.

After the harvest, the beans are brought to Cofinet in their dry parchment form. From there, they are milled in Popayán, before embarking on a journey to Caldas, where they undergo a meticulous decaffeination process.

This coffee is decaffeinated using the "sugarcane" process, a method that employs ethyl acetate from sugarcane or beets. The beans are steamed to open their pores and rinsed with the solvent to remove caffeine. Sugarcane decafs, especially from Colombia, are quickly earning a reputation for their quality and vibrant flavors.


Flavor profile: Mandarin, nougat, plantain

Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Catimor, Typica

Process: EA Washed

Elevation: 1500-2070 masl

Importer: Cofinet


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